Rob Dyrdek Wannabe Fighting Amateur Rapper From West Virginia Tonight... WHO YA GOT?

Historic matchup coming at Rough N' Rowdy 24 tonight with our 1st ever TEXAS vs. WEST VIRGINIA brawl. Gotta tip your cap to "The Dogfather" who may seem like a Rob Dyrdek wannabe but he is paying is own way from the Lone Star state to Clarksburg, WV. That's how bad he wanted this fight. And he's a true renaissance man too…

He's been asking to beat up New England trash, West Virginia rednecks, really anyone willing to step in the ring with him. He'll get his wish with a local young buck slash up & coming rapper "Itzcaution" from Clarksburg. Ripped and ready to roll. He don't see NO horns buddy.

Usually gotta give the edge to the younger fighters in matchups like this but can't assume anything in this fight. "The Dogfather" might walk out with the last laugh after all. 

Find out who wins this Friday night 8 pm ET at Rough N' Rowdy 24… 20 amateur brawls + live ring girl contest + commentary from Dave Portnoy, Big Cat, Large, Rone, Caleb Pressley… Order on and get PPV replay until May 5th

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